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Successfully Completed Apprenticeship as IT Specialist

Congratulations, Julian!

Just recently, Julian Kamel finished his apprenticeship as IT specialist at Trei. He sat down for a brief interview with us to recount what he personally liked most about his apprenticeship, what a typical workday looked like for him, and what his thoughts are on a few other subjects. Julian, let me start by congratulating you on passing your finals!

Of course, it’s been a while, but do you remember what made you decide in favor of an apprenticeship at Trei’s? 

Thank you very much! The reason I picked Trei for my apprenticeship is more or less coincidence – but looking back, it was one of the best decisions I ever made. What helped me make up my mind at the time was the welcoming, open-minded team and the possibility to work on diverse and innovative projects, and to gain hands-on experience in the process.

What did a normal workday look like for you as apprentice, and what sort of tasks did you handle? 

It varied quite a bit – I had everything from IT system maintenance and work at the help desk, to support for hardware and network issues, and all the way to the collaboration in new security concepts on my agenda.

What did you enjoy most about your apprenticeship? 

I guess the practical application of things I studied, and the opportunity to work directly with others on solving real-life IT problems were among the most exciting aspects for me. Very helpful in this context were the support and feedback from experienced co-workers.

Can you think of a project or an experience that made a lasting impression on you? 

What comes to mind is my first business trip to Portugal, where I assisted in the sale of the local branch by checking data for completeness and transferring them to the new owner. I should add though that it was hard to say goodbye to the team there.

Do you remember a highlight from your time as apprentice with Trei? 

Most definitely – and there are more than one. But an absolute highlight was the joint trip to Belgium to celebrate our 15-year anniversary: an unforgettable outing that strengthened the team spirit, aside from us having a really good time. You were offered a permanent position after your apprenticeship.

What will your future tasks be at Trei? 

As a Junior IT Project Manager, I am responsible for managing and optimizing the system landscape, supporting the team and employees via the helpdesk, developing and implementing IT security measures and network management. I also take care of selecting and managing hardware such as notebooks, iPhones, peripherals, conference technology and printers, as well as the IT warehouse.

What do you like most about Trei?

What I particularly like about Trei is the open culture and the flat hierarchies. Every employee has the opportunity to get involved and contribute to the development of the company. And the team spirit certainly makes Trei a special place to work.

What advice would you give to other young people who are thinking about doing a similar apprenticeship? 

I can only recommend the apprenticeship as an IT specialist for system integration. It offers a strong foundation for an IT career and the opportunity to work in a dynamic field. Also: be curious and take every opportunity to learn.

Would you like to add something in closing? 

Let me add that I appreciate all the support and the opportunities that Trei offered me. I look forward to the further development of my skills and to the chance to contribute to the company’s performance. A big thank you to my team and to everyone who helped me to complete this journey.



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